How to create custom level set

class asterios.level.BaseLevel(difficulty)

Asterio groups the levels by module name. The levels in the module should be named from Level1 to LevelN. Each level is a BaseLevel subclass and redefines two methods. generate_puzzle and check_answer. The docstring of level count. This is a tip to resolve the puzzle send to users.

Example, you can create a class that send a list to sort:

import random

from asterios.level import BaseLevel, Difficulty

class Level1(BaseLevel):
    help(list.sort) ;-)

    def generate_puzzle(self):
        puzzle = list(range(200))
        self.expected = list(range(200))
        return puzzle

    def check_answer(self, answer):
        if answer == self.expected:
            return (True, 'Good job :-D')
        if not isinstance(answer, list):
            return (False, 'You should send me a list')
        if len(answer) != len(self.expected):
            return (False, 'The list should have {} elements'.

        return (False, 'Send me a sorted list')

When a BaseLevel subclass is instantiate, the difficulty parameters is provided. The difficulty value is a level.Difficulty member.